Jetiquette in France: The Savvy Traveler's Guide

Bonjour, fellow travelers! If you're planning a trip to the alluring country of France, embracing local customs and etiquette is key. Below, find the top 20 tips to ensure you're a savvy and sophisticated guest.

  1. Greet with a Bisous: Depending on the region, a light kiss on both cheeks is a customary greeting. However, it's often more of an air-kiss, rather than an actual peck.

  2. Address Formally: Use 'Monsieur' or 'Madame' when addressing strangers, and always use 'vous' instead of 'tu' unless invited to do otherwise.

  3. Mind Your Manners at Mealtime: Keep your hands on the table (but not your elbows), and remember to say 'Bon appétit!' before you begin eating.

  4. Master the Art of French Dining: Remember to use your utensils in the Continental style, and do savor your food. Fine dining is an art in France.

  5. Respect Queuing Etiquette: Always stand patiently in line, and avoid cutting in front of others.

  6. Dress to Impress: French people often dress more formally than tourists might be used to, so bring along some smart casual wear.

  7. Speak Some French: Even a few basic phrases will be appreciated and make your interactions more engaging.

  8. Avoid Excessive Volume: Speaking loudly in public places is considered rude.

  9. Tip Accordingly: Service charge is included in your bill, but it's common to leave small change.

  10. Embrace the Café Culture: Enjoy a leisurely coffee at a café, but remember to say 's'il vous plaît' and 'merci.'

  11. Don't Rush the Waitstaff: Dining is a leisurely experience; don't expect to be rushed in and out of a restaurant.

  12. Respect Historic Sites: Follow the rules and be mindful of your surroundings when visiting places of historical importance.

  13. Ask Before Photographing People: It's considered polite to request permission before snapping a picture of someone.

  14. Avoid Discussing Money: Talking about personal wealth or income is considered in bad taste.

  15. Shop Responsibly: Many smaller shops close for a few hours in the afternoon, so plan accordingly.

  16. Use Quiet Greetings in Public Transportation: A discreet 'Bonjour' to the bus driver or fellow passengers is appreciated but keep conversations at a low volume.

  17. Be Mindful of Smoking Restrictions: Observe and follow smoking regulations in public areas.

  18. Understand Metro Etiquette: Allow passengers to exit before boarding, and keep to the right on escalators.

  19. Avoid Public Snacking: Eating in public transportation or on the street is generally frowned upon.

  20. Embrace the Culture: Engage with locals, try regional specialties, and immerse yourself in French art and literature.

By adhering to these etiquette guidelines, you'll present yourself as a respectful and sophisticated guest, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the rich culture that France has to offer. Bon voyage et profitez de votre séjour! (Happy travels and enjoy your stay!)

Gailen David

Gailen David is not just a name in the aviation industry; he is a symbol of a journey well-taken. A former airline purser and internationally recognized Jetiquette guru, Gailen has spent his illustrious career transforming the world of travel. His unwavering commitment to passenger comfort and his tireless advocacy for friendlier skies have made him a celebrated figure in aviation circles.

Having stood at the forefront as a champion for both travelers and airline personnel, Gailen utilizes his extensive experience to create a harmonious and respectful atmosphere aloft. He recognizes the intrinsic value of each passenger's experience and is unrelenting in his pursuit of excellence, ensuring everyone involved in the flight feels esteemed and acknowledged.

Gailen's keen eye for the nuances of travel has allowed him to become an influential voice in enhancing the resources and support systems that enable airline staff to perform their duties with grace and safety. His mission transcends the ordinary, elevating the travel experience to an art form where courtesy, enjoyment, and professionalism blend seamlessly.

With an innovative approach marked by a blend of empathy and practical know-how, Gailen promises a future where flying is an extraordinary experience, not just a means to an end. His work stands as a testament to a vision where the skies are filled with respect, grace, and joy for all. His symbol of a journey well-taken continues to inspire a generation of travelers and airline professionals.


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