20 Annoying Things Americans Do While Traveling That Grind The World’s Gears
It’s no secret: the world has a love-hate relationship with Americans. While our cultural exports (hello, Hollywood!) are beloved by many, American tourists often have the knack of making memorable impressions, and not always in a good way. Pack your self-awareness as we dive into the top 20 cringe-worthy American tourist behaviors that irritate the globe.
Jetiquette: The Key to Safer Skies and Civilized Travel
Unruly passenger behavior has become a disturbing trend, with cases ranging from verbal abuse to physical violence. It's time to take serious measures, and promoting the concept of "Jetiquette" could be our ticket to safer skies.
The Most Annoying Inflight Behavior
Passengers should avoid some of the most annoying and ill-mannered behaviors to make the journey more enjoyable for everyone.
Top 15 Ways to Spot a Jetiquette Traveler on a Commercial Airline Flight
Jetiquette refers to the unspoken code of conduct that distinguishes the courteous and considerate traveler from others on a commercial airline flight. This set of unwritten rules focuses on the traveler's behavior, respect for others, and general decorum. Here are the top 15 ways you can spot a Jetiquette traveler.
Friendlier Skies: Jetiquette Reminders for Airline Passengers
Air travel has become a routine part of our lives, but that doesn't mean we should overlook the small courtesies that make the journey more enjoyable for everyone. By adopting a few simple Jetiquette reminders, we can promote friendlier skies for passengers and crew alike. Here are 30 easy and thoughtful ways to create a positive flying experience for everyone.
Jetiquette: Squeezing Manners into Those Ever-Shrinking Airplane Seats
Oh, the glamorous world of modern air travel! Gone are the days of roomy seats and complementary cocktails served by smiling flight attendants. Welcome to the age of knee-knocking, elbow-jabbing, and generally irritable airplane journeys where the notion of "Jetiquette" is not just a polite suggestion but a survival skill.